Zanab and Cole are NOT together.

Zanab (Aries)
- Strong-willed, always has to do things her way
- Impatient when partners aren’t up to their standards
- Can have a hot temper
- Attracted to people who can be epically romantic
Cole (Taurus)
- Values kindness and patience in a partner
- Tranquil, peace-loving
- Doesn’t respond well to criticism due to their stubborness
- Attracted to people who make him feel safe
Aries Zanab and Taurus Cole inherently clash: she is fiery and likes things her way, as we can see from her constant nagging and criticizing of Cole; he craves kindness and patience and doesn’t respond well to negative feedback. A Taurus can be very stubborn and take a long time to break habits, but an Aries is impatient and wants something better immediately — Cole’s stubborness in constantly bringing up his attraction to Colleen/other women and Zanab’s temper were a terrible foundation to base their relationship on.
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