Taylor and JP are NOT together!
Taylor (Capricorn)
- Not overly expressive with emotion, cautious about showing love
- Overthinks and may self-sabotage in love
- Hesitant to jump all the way in
JP (Gemini)
- Afraid of being alone and confronting his own vulnerabilities
- Unpredictable
- Needs a partner who can help him through his messy emotions
Capricorn Taylor, as an Earth sign, has to think through every decision she makes and is pretty sure that JP is her person (though she continually expresses doubt over every little small hiccup). At first, it seems she may be overthinking as a typical Capricorn does, but soon we see Gemini JP’s real side (is the two-face stereotype making a comeback...?). On the outside, he’s calm and gentlemanly, quiet and awkward, but when Taylor continuously confronts him about their awkwardness and lack of flowing conversation, he finally comes clean and tells her that the reason he’s been holding back is because.... she wears too much makeup. And he thinks it’s “fake.” Oh, Gemini. Needless to say, Taylor is not about to stand for that and leaves JP before they return from the Mexico trip. It seems her hesitancy was well-deserved all along!
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