Raven and SK are NOT together.
Raven (Aries)
- Strong-willed, always has to do things her way
- Impatient when partners aren’t up to their standards
- Can have a hot temper
- Attracted to people who can be epically romantic
SK (Scorpio)
- All or nothing in relationships, extremely loyal
- Highly emotionaln
- Craves intense love and passion from partner
- Is aloof and mysterious, not fully transparent
Aries Raven is not your typical girl (as she makes clear throughout the entire season) — she is strong and is unwilling to compromise on her independence and it’s obvious she craves someone who can take care of her; however, Scorpio SK is off to school in California and can’t provide her that strength and security. Her dominant nature can also come off as unromantic and he wants someone more feminine, more loving to appeal to his watery nature. He said “I do not” at the wedding, but they continued dating before his cheating scandal broke them apart... SK’s mysterious Scorpio ways can be shadowy and ultimately, not entirely truthful.
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