Laura and Jeramey are NOT together.
Laura (Virgo)
- Intuitive with her love, which comes out passionately in emotional moments
- Desires a stable, long-term relationship
- Can be somewhat guarded in relationships
Jeramey (Scorpio)
- All or nothing in relationships
- Deeply values trust and feeling seen by his partner
- Craves intense love and passion from partner
Virgo Laura was always overly pragmatic about love, leading to her self-proclaimed difficulties in finding someone she was truly compatible with in past relationships. Even with Jeramey, it’s clear she always had a little bit of a guard up (which may have come off to viewers as her being overly harsh and snippy with him). While some may have criticized her for that, it all proved to be for good cause when Scorpio Jeramey totally flipped things around and decided to go for Sarah Ann, his other connection from the pods. Jeramey took the extreme of Scorpios’ tendencies to go with the flow and how they are feeling: once he wasn’t “feeling” Laura anymore, he switched up real fast! Perhaps he was desiring a partner who was more affectionate and loving with him, which he wasn’t getting from Laura. It’s best these two aren’t together anymore as they were often butting heads early on.
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