Chelsea and Kwame ARE together!
Chelsea (Taurus)
- Values kindness and patience in a partner
- Tranquil, peace-loving
- Doesn’t respond well to criticism
- Attracted to people who make her feel safe
Kwame (Aries)
- Strong-willed, needs to do things his way
- Impatient when partners aren’t up to his standards
- Attracted to people who can be his best friend, confidant, everything
Taurus Chelsea was always very grounded in how she felt about Kwame, knowing from day one that he was her soulmate. She was patient and understanding as he originally was leaning towards proposing to Micah and only came back to Chelsea after being rejected, making fans weary of whether he truly loved her or not. His Aries nature was very strong as he bucked against working at home and having to take care of her dog, having to move to Seattle from Portland, and always having to do things her way (as he’s used to being the one in charge), but at the end, they both said yes at the altar. Her grounded, calm energy tempers his more fiery and strong-willed ways.
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